Saturday, March 24, 2012

Afghanistan through My Eyes - Blood Prescreening

In the middle of the night or during the day, or at anytime, a request will come over the PA system for a type of blood from a prescreened soldier. When an soldier is WIA or an accident happens there isn't a blood bank here, but live soldiers that are prescreened that answer the call for blood.

Yesterday we had a prescreened blood drive here on FOB Fenty.

Here are SSGT Robert Shaw from Harrison, Main and CPL Powell from Spokane, Washington hawking for the 4th BCT 4th Division that's coming in to take the place of the 3BCT Division that's redeploying.

SGT Kate Torris from Hawaii is taking blood from SSGT Ranjan Sunuwar of Colorado Springs

One ounce vials are taken of all the soldiers who participate and then prescreened and kept on file. We have had two such requests for blood since I've been here this week. I am impressed that what ever the time of day or night the request comes, soldiers run to the aid station without question.