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Two U.S. troops guard the gate at the Bagram Air Field north of Afghanistan's capital, Kabul, on Feb. 21. U.S. officials say troops inadvertently burned Qurans at the base, which has touched off violent protests around the country.
I think this is a good consensus. The people of Afghanistan now look at us like the enemy. This after all the US Military has done for them. We have been rocketed back to square one. It is very Disturbing.
"I think that if we don't come to a reconciliation between the United States and the Afghan people that the strategy of sending small teams of American advisers from ministries to battalions is at real risk."
Nagl says Afghans are bitter that U.S. forces could be so culturally insensitive after so many years. American troops are angry they're being targeted by the very Afghans they're fighting and dying for.