What is amazing to me is how accessible the Commanders are. In books you read about them sequestering themselves in tents with maps and bottles of whisky. Now, if they see you they come up and chat awhile and ask you how you're doing.
CSM Spano is a poster boy for public relations. He is sincerely concerned about his soldiers and wants them to know about it. I was Kunar during the TOA when everyone was crazy busy, but he always took time out for people and looked them in the eye to make sure. I guess that would be what a leader does, access you within a few seconds. He wants to know if you're combat ready because he's leading the team.
Col Kim is a bit more serious, but I did manage to catch a shot of him with a hat presented by the Afghanistan Army. It is a tradition that all the men in the family wear the same hat and it designates what your profession is.
Team Kim and Spano: tearing up Kunar Province.
CSM Spano is a poster boy for public relations. He is sincerely concerned about his soldiers and wants them to know about it. I was Kunar during the TOA when everyone was crazy busy, but he always took time out for people and looked them in the eye to make sure. I guess that would be what a leader does, access you within a few seconds. He wants to know if you're combat ready because he's leading the team.
Col Kim is a bit more serious, but I did manage to catch a shot of him with a hat presented by the Afghanistan Army. It is a tradition that all the men in the family wear the same hat and it designates what your profession is.
Team Kim and Spano: tearing up Kunar Province.