Monday, April 25, 2011

Afghanistan Through My Eyes - 1st Day Out

It’s a warm spring day with a dry desert breeze. In the distance is the brutal snow covered Hindu Kush mountain range. Wafts of grass, earth and water from the Kabul River hitch a ride on the wind and the blades of the chopper I am riding in beat the air as if they were whipping a meringue.

Inside the Blackhawk helicopter, Voo Doo, I am flying to a TOA, Transfer Of Authority, with Col Kim, Col Harris and Cmdr Sgt Maj Spano among others. There is another Blackhawk in the distance flying parallel with us in case of threat.

Pictured here is Col. Harris of the 101st Airborne after the TOA with Lt Col Seizemore in FOB Finley-Shields

Like a hummingbird, we lift off gently and zoom toward our destination, gently turning left and right affording us glances into the Afghan peoples lives. Gardens are planted in the pattern of the Greek key design and co-mingle with a firing range.