Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Afghanistan Through My Eyes - Aid Stations

This is the Battalion Aid Station on Geronimo. Tommy Childress is the Chief Battalion Medical Officer from Houston, Texas. Besides treating basic medical they are also have an ANA (Afghanistan National Army) training academy on basic fundamentals such as 1st aid, hygiene, basic CPR. 

They have treated some civilians, but the ANA Base just got their own university trained doc. Neither base has x-ray or laboratory facilities. Those patients are medivaced out to Dwyer or Bastion. Bastion has the best field hospital in the world.

If you've been reading my blog you will remember I had to have SEVERAL inoculations. I had decided not to have the Rabies inoculation as it cost $1,000.00! I am gad I made that decision because if you get a scratch from ANY animal you are medivaced out and given the Rabies treatment!